Pam Murphy Like Me

If you're like Pam Murphy, you want the most out of life. 

Love! Happiness! Success!

How do we get those things? Pam has no idea.

But hey, Pam is going to show you that we're all the same.

How? Through a series of characters that lead terrible lives.

Just like you! Just like me!

Written and Performed by Pam Murphy

Directed by Nate Smith and Amy Heidt

Videos shot by Chris Westlund

Sound and editing by John Heeg

Pam Murphy Like Me Reviewed in LA Weekly

"She's a Character"
Pam Murphy's brilliant and hilarious one-woman show,Pam Murphy Like Me, has her juggling a mishmash of oddball characters the likes of which you may find at your local Starbucks or the Betty Ford Clinic.  

We've all seen these losers before: the naive wife who's always in denial about her cheating husband or the pathetic, 40-year-old guy lurking outside the 7-Eleven, who just can't let high school go.  Murphy deftly plays them and a half-dozen others with rich humor, a tinge of darkness and a relatable realism that sucks us in to her schizophrenic world.  

Her characters initially seem normal but soon let their neuroses bleed through.  "I think there's the person we really are and then the person we try to present as ourselves," Murphy says.  "These characters can't hide who they are, and most of them want to be liked or loved."  

There are video clips interspersed throughout the show, with one featuring Murphy as a Stepford Wife figure celebrating the joys of crafting while slowly crumbling into a deranged mess.  We laugh the loudest when her characters are at their lowest.  And that makes us like Pam even more."

Two Videos from "Like Me"

Like Me Crafting Video from Pam Murphy on Vimeo.

Like Me Lamps from Pam Murphy on Vimeo.

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